Studies show that 58 million Americans are overweight and 80% are more than 25 lbs overweight. 70% of heart disease and 80% of all type 2 diabetes is directly attributed to obesity. 15% of children are obese. Although I firmly believe diet, exercise, water, and plenty of sleep is the answer I thought I might look at some alternatives for those who are looking for something else. Before trying any of these techniques or any diet or exercise program, consult with your doctor to determine what is right for you.
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Hypnosis has been used for many things through the years including weight control and to stop smoking. Your metabolism can be trained by using weight loss hypnosis. Hypnosis works by re-training your unconscious mind; where the cravings and impulses come from, and allowing you take back your choice over what you eat. Hypnosis can help you regain control and find success in your weight loss goals. Self driven methods of hypnosis are extremely effective in making lasting changes. There are many do it your self packages available; most contain some sort of audio (tape, cd, etc.) that you listen to over and over. Of course if you have more money and less time there are professionals available to help you.
Despite having a long history, acupuncture has only been used for weight control purposes recently. Acupuncture for weight loss became popular international in 2003 when CNN reported on successful acupuncture weight loss clinics in China. The usual regimen of acupuncture weight loss is ten sessions, typically three times per week and then one to two weeks off before resuming treatment again. Acupuncture treatments for weight loss improve the functioning of two neuroendocrine pathways, which regulate the body's metabolism. When combined with a healthy diet and proper exercise it can be very effective.
Weight loss herbs
Scientists and traditional herbalists believe that better weight loss results are achieved when green tea is used in conjunction with other weight loss herbs like Spirulina, Garcinia Cambogia, and ma huang. Ma huang, the native-Chinese herb used in fat-burning supplements and also known as ephedra, has been used as a natural treatment for a variety of illnesses spanning the past five thousand years.
Herbal teas have been used for centuries to help control weight, based on supposed properties, such as effects on metabolism, appetite or even by directly dissolving fat. When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program, these herbal extracts can give you the extra boost you need to reach your diet goals.
The Hoodia weight loss diet has been featured on prime time TV shows such as Oprah, 60 Minutes, and the Today Show, causing it to generate huge interest from the millions people looking for help in weight loss. Hoodia Gordonii also known as Hoodia, xhooba, khoba, Ghaap, and hoodia cactus is a natural weight loss supplement. Hoodia is a cactus like plant found in the Kalahari Desert. The San bushmen, one of the oldest and most ancient tribes, have been using the hoodia gordonii cactus for thousands of years to fight off hunger while on long hunting trips. It works on the principle of an appetite suppressant. There are many kinds of hoodia plant. The hoodia gordonii is the only species with the active ingredient to suppress your appetite.
It really all boils down to finding something that works for you and is approved by your physician. If one doesn't work try another, in the end it will be your determination and desire that results in a healthier you. Good luck and good health.
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